Quilting in Arizona!

I can’t believe it has been 6 months since I wrote anything! In that time so much has happened. Our guild in Maine started meeting in person again–it seemed like more than two years since we were able to meet and enjoy one another’s company. I was able to go back to volunteering at the local Chamber of Commerce, something I really enjoyed. Almost everyone who came in was on vacation and happy to be there and I always left feeling good about living in Maine and being able to share the great things about the area with visitors.

The quilts pictured here were some of the ones I donated before we moved from Maine. I didn’t get pictures of them all, and I am not the greatest photographer, but this will be a reminder to me of some of the quilts I have done in the past many years. I think I donated about 28 to various organizations, but when I unpacked I realized I could have donated many more. I will investigate where I can donate some here.

The main reason I am writing in this blog is for myself to remember different places, people, quilts I have done and seen, and just put down my thoughts.

Then in early November we visited our son in Arizona for the first time in 2 years. While there, we looked at houses and decided to move again. For the last 3 moves I have said “this is our last move”. Well, hopefully, this is it.

I love spring here. According to what I read in the newspapers, this is not the best year for the cactus blossoms. But walking around the neighborhood, I see these beautiful flowers. They don’t last long, but are a joy to see, if even for a short while.

The thermometer is already reading in the 90’s by mid afternoon. We have been warned about Arizona summers and how we will have to do whatever needs being done out of the house by 11am. Can’t say I am looking forward to that, but the winters will make up for it.

I’m slowly setting up my sewing/guest room. Since we have downsized, this is a challenge. Yesterday, for the first time since we got here, I set up the sewing machine and worked on a project for one of my Maine quilt groups. I had signed up for this before deciding to move. It felt good to be sewing again. I have been doing hand piecing on a hexagon quilt I am making. Very simple–appliquing little hexagon flowers onto low volume and white fabrics. The blocks are 7 inches and so far I have about 50 completed with another 30 or so to go. While unpacking I discovered about 7 quilt tops ready to be layered and quilted and too many small projects to be finished. I vowed not to start anything else till most of these are done–but I am so tempted by quilt patterns and fabrics I see.

We are in an over 45 community and so much is available here to keep us as busy as we want to be. I have joined the quilt group here and there is the opportunity to get together and sew once a week and member meetings once a month. There are several other interesting fiber art groups that bear investigating later in the year. It is also a great area for walking with mostly flat sidewalks, a few gentle slopes, and walking trails dispersed throughout the community.

It is early morning, quiet around the neighborhood. I can hear the mourning doves cooing and many other bird songs I don’t recognize yet. I have seen roadrunners going through the yard and looked out the window to see a coyote sitting in the rosemary bushes. Lots to see and learn about in this new to us environment. I hope I don’t go another 9 months without writing about this new adventure and my quilting progress.

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